

Re-registration for the 2024-2025 academic year opens March 11. Please see this document for screenshots of the process described below.

RSO’s must re-register by June 30, 2024, in order to have RSO benefits. All current RSOs that plan to be active during the 2024-2025 academic year must complete the registration process annually. The following steps are required for groups to re-register:

  1. The President or Treasurer currently listed in HogSync should initiate the RSO’s HogSync renewal process by completing the RSO Re-Registration Form (blue button prompted in HogSync). The following information will be required, so please gather all information before initiating the renewal:
    1. RSO Constitution
    2. RSO Purpose Statement/Description
    3. RSO Logo
    4. List of all RSO officers and advisors, including UARK email addresses
  2. Advisors must complete the required Advisor Certification Form. Students cannot complete this form on the behalf of their RSO advisor and the advisor must be visible in the HogSync roster. This form must be completed with every re-registration cycle or anytime you change advisors. It is the student’s responsibility to direct the RSO Advisor to the appropriate form. Advisors will not get an automatic notification from HogSync.
  3. President and Treasurer must complete the RSO President/Treasurer quiz..
  4. Once the re-registration has been submitted, advisor form is received and both quizzes are passed with 80% or greater, and required officers (president, treasurer and advisor) have accepted their positions, the RSO’s profile and officers will be reviewed.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why the earlier deadline? RSO benefits for the 2024-2025 academic year expire May 12, 2024, so the Student Involvement & Leadership is requiring re-registration prior to leaving for summer break. Many students and advisors are completely unavailable for the summer due to travel or internships. Groups will go into the summer knowing their RSO is set up for success in the next academic year, which begins May 15, 2024 and ends May 12, 2025.
  • What if I’m graduating or will not be returning as an officer? You should move forward with re-registration if you are currently listed as president or treasurer of your RSO in HogSync. An Officer Update Form can address any changes after re-registration is completed.
  • What if we have upcoming officer changes? Your RSO can always complete an Officer Update Form once re-registration is completed.
  • What if I miss the deadline? Current RSOs that miss the re-registration window will be able to re-register through June 30 but will not be able to register for HillFest, the campus-wide welcome back event that will occur Monday, August 19, on the Union Mall. All other RSO benefits, including the ability to request checks or reserve space and the ability to fundraise, among other benefits, will expire on June 30. RSO’s that miss the June 30 window will have a brief window in September to re-register.
  • What if my group isn’t listed in HogSync but we have been registered previously? Any group not registered in the 2024-2025 academic year will need to register as a new RSO. Please contact the Student Involvement & Leadership to learn the process for these groups. New RSO’s can form at any time but do not have benefits until registration is complete.
  • What if I’m starting a New RSO? New RSO’s can form again beginning April 1. If you register by May 12, your registration will include the rest of this academic year AND the 2024-2025 academic year! For individuals wishing to start a new RSO, please see below.

For more information about Registered Student Organizations or the re-registration process, contact the Student Involvement & Leadership at 479-575-5255 or email

Updating Officers/Advisors

If you completed re-registration and need to update officers, please request the Officer/Advisor Update Form. Please note, if your group did not re-register this form is not accepted in lieu of re-registration.

Instructions/Checklist for New RSO's

New RSO registration is now open for the 2024-2025 academic year! Below is some information for planning to start your RSO. If you have questions at any point please contact our office at or call 479-575-5255. Note: Groups must be inactive for at least one year before re-forming as a new RSO. The new RSO process is not a substitute for the re-registration process. 

  1. Create your RSO's purpose statement and write a constitution.
  2. Secure a University of Arkansas faculty or staff member as advisor to your RSO (cannot be a graduate student, unless required for their job).
  3. Have at least six students as members of your RSO. More information about officer/member requirements is listed below.
    Need help finding six students? Email Arkansas Union Reservations to request a one-time recruitment meeting. You can put up 2 posters promoting this event on approved Union bulletin boards - bring those posters to Arkansas Union A665 to be stamped for a one week posting. Email to request a one-time announcement to be included in the RSO Weekly Events message sent to all current RSO Officers via HogSync.
  4. Once you have these items together, complete the New RSO Pre-registration Form to start the registration process. This form will allow you to schedule an in-person officer orientation with two of your officers at the same time (president and treasurer recommended).
  5. Have your advisor completed the Advisor Certification Form for New RSO's 

Questions? Email Devin Dougherty or Camille Jordan at


Each Registered Student Organization must:

  • Have a President and a Treasurer

  • Have a faculty or staff advisor from the University of Arkansas

  • Have a total of at least 6 members (may include officers)

  • Be comprised entirely of University of Arkansas students

  • Follow the Code of Student Life located at

  • Adhere to the RSO Compliance and Non-Discrimination Policy

  • Re‐register every year during the Registration Window

RSO Officers must:

  • Maintain at least a 2.25 cumulative GPA

  • Be enrolled full‐time (12 credit hours for undergraduates and law students, 1 credit hour for graduate students)

  • Not be on disciplinary or academic integrity probation

  • Have 2 officers complete officer orientation

    For purposes of co-curricular eligibility requirements, an officer is defined as anyone in an elected or appointed position. See the Student Handbook for more information

RSO Members must:

  • Be enrolled in at least one class at the University of Arkansas

Categories of Student Organizations

The University’s relationship differs with Registered Student Organizations (RSOs), departmental organizations, Greek-affiliated organizations, and Student Activities fee-funded organizations. Each organization will be categorized based on the following attributes. (Please see this chart for more details on the benefits and administration of each category.)Only Registered Student Organizations are required to go through the registration process with the Student Involvement & Leadership.

  • Departmental organizations are considered extensions of the department and as such, are under the direction and oversight of the department. The department controls the finances and maintains ultimate responsibility for the organization’s events. Departmental organizations officially represent the University of Arkansas. (Example: UREC’s Sports Clubs, Walton College of Business SAKE group)
  • Registered Student Organizations are not an extension of University departments (even if they are professional or field-based) and are distinct from the University of Arkansas. RSOs receive University recognition and may receive University resources, and as such are subject to University policies, but actions of the RSO are not actions of the institution. RSO’s maintain separate finances, although in accounts held by the University, and make their own decisions about events, within University policy.
  • Fee-Funded Student Organizations are groups that are primarily funded by the student activities fee including Associated Student Government (ASG), Distinguished Lectures Committee (DLC), Graduate Professional Student Congress (GPSC), Headliners Concert Committee, Student Organization Outreach and Involvement Experience (SOOIE), University Programs (UP), and Volunteer Action Center (VAC). These groups primarily exist to represent student interests in the spending of student fees and are advised by University staff members whose primary position is the administration and oversight of student fees. Fee-funded student organizations officially represent the University of Arkansas. This does not apply to RSOs that receive student fee funding for specific events or conferences through Office of Financial Affairs (OFA) through ASG.
  • Greek Organizations are organizations that are officially recognized by the Charles & Cappy Whiteside Greek Life Leadership Center at the University of Arkansas.

RSO Officer/Member Co-Curricular Eligibility Authorization

By accepting membership to an RSO organizational site on HogSync (the University’s RSO Management System), a student is providing authorization to the Student Involvement & Leadership to verify the student’s enrollment status in accordance with the RSO eligibility standards listed in the Code of Student Life.

Similarly, any student who is listed as an officer on an RSO roster, as submitted by the RSO’s President, is deemed to have provided authorization for the Student Involvement & Leadership, the Office of Student Accountability, and the Office of Academic Integrity, to verify the student’s co-curricular eligibility throughout the academic year in accordance with the RSO officer requirements listed in the Code of Student Life. These requirements are also listed below:

RSO Officers must:

  • Maintain at least a 2.25 cumulative GPA
  • Be enrolled full-time (12 credit hours for undergraduate and law students, 1 hour for graduate students)
  • Not be on disciplinary or academic integrity probation

RSO members must:

  • Be enrolled in at least one class at the University of Arkansas – Fayetteville

RSO Recruitment Policy and Opt-Out Notice

Several of our Registered Student Organizations, particularly honor societies and some professional organizations, recruit students based on certain grade point minimums. RSO’s who require this information should have the GPA requirement stated in the constitution and the request should come from the advisor (fully appointed staff or faculty member) to the ISIS reporting person in his or her division. Once the information is provided to the advisor, the advisor can share the list of students, without ID numbers, to the RSO officers for recruitment purposes. The list should only include directory information for students who meet a defined minimum GPA requirement. It must not include specific GPA information for each student.

RSO’s must be in Active status to conduct recruitment activities. University letterhead, logos, or trademarks cannot be used in recruitment materials.

Students who don’t want their names to appear on potential lists for RSO recruitment purposes can opt out through the FERPA Directory Restrictions settings in UA Connect. This is managed in the Personal Information section of the Student Center page. Instructions are under the Personal Information tab on the UAConnect Help page for students.